“Jesus Changes Everything!” When Jesus arrives on the scene, things change. The lepers are made whole, and He speaks the Word and the Centurion’s servant is made whole. At the sound of His voice, the great storm at sea becomes calm. Those who were possessed with devils, bound with chains, and abiding in the tombs, had their lives changed immediately. The hungry crowd of thousands was fed with just five loaves and two fishes, and twelve baskets of food were left over! When the disciples couldn’t pay their taxes, Jesus arrived and told them to “catch a fish” and when they did, there was a gold coin in his mouth to pay the taxes! Bobby was healed of having his back broken in three places when Jesus walked into his room and touched him! Today, all you need is for Jesus to arrive on the scene. He will change everything! Sherry

Word from the Mission Field – 03-06-17
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