Jesus said, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you…” Luke10:19 – Living in Haiti, we know what “fear” can do to someone…it can kill people or even drive them crazy. But, we have the power to “bind the spirit of fear…” Years ago when we first moved to Haiti, a young 16 year-old girl was sold to some Voodoo people. I cannot even begin to tell you what she experienced. I went to visit her in a Haitian hospital. Later, it was told that she had died some time before this, and had been made into a Zombie! When she was released from the hospital, she had nowhere to go, so we took her into our “old orphanage.” A powerful Haitian Pastor prayed over her every day and bound the evil powers. She lived with us for months and she was set free! Later, she went to live with a long, lost uncle who was a Pastor! We saw the “power of God” in action! God has given you this same power! Blessings! Sherry

Word from the Mission Field – 04-06-17
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