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Word from the Mission Field – 05-08-17

Word from the Mission Field – 05-08-17

“An Attitude of Gratitude…”
I love the Book of Psalms. David was continually praising God…(No wonder God loved him so much.) Psalms 100:4 – “Be thankful unto him and bless his name.” I remember a Haitian lady who came to me while I was in her village…we were getting ready to do a feeding program and she wanted some money. All I had on me at that time was a few dollars. When I put it in her hand, she said, “That’s not enough!” So I quickly grabbed it out of her hand, leaving her with her mouth hanging open. I said, “I gave you what I had and you are not thankful, so now you have zero.” Then I quoted her the Haitian proverb that says, “What the mother ant has, she gives to her baby.” She was not “thankful” for what I had given her, even though it was all I had. God has feelings too. He loves us and He wants us to love Him, and to be “thankful” for everything He has done for us. Let’s have an “attitude of gratitude” every day! Blessings, Sherry

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