“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:3 – I think this made God angrier than anything else with the children of Israel. Just how many times did they turn their backs on God and begin worshiping “false gods?” Yet in our generation, we must be careful not to have “other gods” before the one and true God. We gathered all our orphan boys together this evening and said, “You cannot have any gods before God…not even soccer!” If you love soccer more than you love the Lord, it has become your god. Anything that separates us from our God and brings attention to itself, and causes us to “worship it,” becomes a god. We warned the boys… you can love soccer (all Haitians do), but you cannot make soccer, or anything else your god. God bless you and remember that God loves you, and you are the “apple of His eye.” Love Him with all your heart! Sherry

Word from the Mission Field – 06-08-17
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