“For He shall give His Angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.” Psalm 91:11 – Living here in Haiti has brought us in closer contact with both the forces of evil and the forces of good… If you have never believed in Angels, God’s ministering spirits to His children, then you cannot believe in God. Several times here in Haiti in the mountains, our trucks “nearly went over the edge.” Once, I was driving myself with an interpreter up a mountain and my tires on our truck were bald. After crossing a river, I had to make a “straight up zigzag climb” to the top of the mountain on a muddy road. Needless to say, I didn’t make it. I began to slide back down to the edge of the cliff and I hung there with my fingers dug into the steering wheel, scared to death. All of a sudden, “five men” appeared out of nowhere, pushed my truck up onto the mountain and I went “flying” to the top! As I glanced in the mirror, they were nowhere to be seen. They saved my life! I believe in Angels!!! Have a great day and know that “God has His Angels” all around you today!!! Sherry

Word from the Mission Field – 06-22-17
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