“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7 – What a revelation! When Bobby and I were teens and dating, Bobby was always trying to go on a “21 day fast, just on water.” He tried for years to go the entire 21 days, but it was so hard. We were so poor and so broke. Finally, Bobby completed a 21-day fast in a shack full of rats! He could not see God, feel Him, and God never spoke to him during the 21 days…but at the end of the fast, as Bobby was sitting alone, God spoke to him and said, “The just shall walk by faith and not by sight.” Even when we cannot see, or feel God’s presence, He is still there! If you have not received our book, “Love Is Something You Do,” be sure to get it. It tells all about our “walk of faith!” Blessings, Sherry

Word from the Mission Field – 07-12-17
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