“And there we saw the giants…” Numbers 13:33 — “And all the congregation lifted up their voice, and cried; and the people wept that night.” Numbers 14:1 — When the people got the report from the “spies with no faith,” they cried all night long. Isn’t it something? They forgot about the miracles of the ten plagues, how God kept them safe, they forgot about “crossing the Red Sea” on dry land, they forgot about God feeding a million people in the middle of a desert for years, they forgot about the water coming from the rock, the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night…and all they could see were the “giants!” Really? When we face a battle as you may be facing today, don’t forget what God has already done for you and begin to praise Him, and He will do “even more!” Don’t be a crybaby! Be a “giant killer!” Blessings, Sherry
Word from the Mission Field – 07-13-17
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