“The Light of the World…”
“Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel…” Matthew 5:14,15 — When we first moved to Haiti in 1991, we got there just in time to be under the “embargo.” Fuel was scarce and so was electricity. For the first three years, we had very little electricity at all. We lived by candlelight. I remember how dark the whole house was until one candle was lit. We went up and down the stairs with just one candle, and even when we went to the mountains, one candle gave the light. So today, “light your candle,” because someone is always near you, watching you and needs that light! Have a great day! Sherry

Word from the Mission Field – 07-31-17
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