“Don’t Give God Anything That Doesn’t Cost You Something…”
In 2 Samuel 24:21-25, King David is coming to Gad, to King A-rau-nah, to buy a threshing floor to make a sacrifice unto the Lord. (The Lord had put a plague on His people and now, David needed to offer a “sacrifice” so the Lord would remove the plague.) King A-rau-nah runs to meet King David to find out why he has come to his city. David replies, “To buy the threshing floor of thee…” Then, King A-rau-nah tells David, “I will give it to you and I will give you oxen, and threshing instruments, wood, etc.…” This was a great and generous thing for the king to do, but King David said, “Nay; but I will surely buy it of thee at a price: neither will I offer burnt offerings unto the Lord my God of that which doth cost me nothing.” A “sacrificial offering” is something “you can’t afford.” it is “something that will cost you,” whether it is your time, or your money or your life…it must cost you “something.” Live to give! Sherry

Word from the Mission Field – 09-02-17
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