Have you ever had your confidence broken? Have you ever had your trust betrayed? I have. We have been hurt and disappointed by more people who call themselves Christians, than by all the “hoods” and gangs in Haiti. We have had bad people who burned tires in front of our road because they demanded food from us; and we have had gangs of men throw rocks at us, threaten to kill us or “put Voodoo on us.” Feeding programs are dangerous here in Haiti! We expect this… but when Christians betray us, it hurts even more. The Lord said, “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes.” (Meaning those in power.) Psalm 118:8-9 — When will we ever learn to put confidence in the one who has never failed us, always loved us and has met our every need! He is the one and only Lord, our God! Have a happy, blessed day!!! Sherry

Word from the Mission Field: 1-20-18 6:00 AM
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