“God has a Better Plan…”
“For my ways are not your ways…” Isaiah 55:8
For months, we had planned a Mobile Medical Clinic in the mountains of Peyi Pouri. It is hard to get to, and it takes tough “four-wheel-drive” vehicles that can “climb a coconut tree!” Thousands come out to our Mobile Medical Clinics, but this year, even though we planned it for October, the rains came! It took out the entire road to Peyi Pouri. We had to change locations quickly. We decided to go to Lastik, through the mountain and down into the riverbed and up the mountain again, but the roads were washed out there, too. We changed to La Roche and the roads were washed out there too. We finally went to Chambrun, the Voodoo village. We had planned to go to Cotin yesterday, but the muddy roads were so bad that even “four-wheel-drive” vehicles couldn’t make it! So, today, we are believing the roads will be dry enough to go. Why does God change our plans? We don’t know… We only know that “His ways are higher (and better) than our ways.” We walk by faith, and not by sight! Have a great day and be ready for change at any moment! Sherry

Word from the Mission Field – 10-11-17
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