“He’s Four Days Late… But He’s Always on Time…”
In John 11:3, Jesus receives word from Mary and Martha that their brother Lazarus is very sick, and they ask him to come. But Jesus purposely “abode two more days” before leaving… By the time he got to Lazarus, He was four days late. Lazarus had already been dead and buried and in the grave! How late is that? They take Jesus to the grave and that is where “Jesus wept.” You know the rest of the story because Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. Today, you may have a need and you think “Jesus is four days late,” but He’s not! He may be giving you a “greater miracle,” or “more than you need,” but He is never, never late! He’s always “on time!”
Blessings, Bobby and Sherry

Word from the Mission Field – 10-12-17
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