Something Better than a Gun!
“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.” 2 Corinthians 10:4
Living here in Haiti for 26 years has made me “tougher” than I ever was! I have to “cut up food cards” when the Haitians try to go through the line twice. Once, I smacked a big Haitian lady on the butt for trying to steal food from the poor ladies. I faced down a Voodoo guy, face to face; and I have chased two very bad political guys out of our orphanage! Lately, the thugs in our area have become worse, stealing food from the ladies and threatening us. I have begged Bobby for a “gun license,” but he said, “With your temper, you would have already shot someone!” Ha.
I think I will try God’s approach because this is a “spiritual battle,” and we cannot fight “spiritual battles” with carnal things! God is able to pull down the strongholds! Have a great day because we have a great Captain, the Lord God of Israel! Blessings, Sherry

Word from the Mission Field – 11-08-17
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