“And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7 – We have been through many things while living here in Haiti for over 23 years. Once, Bobby was behind me in a truck and John Boldt, our friend and board member, was with me. Ahead of us was an angry mob burning tires and blocking the road, even from the United Nations. I got out and talked to the man ahead of me who had a red “mocha” (scarf) around his head. His eyes were glazed and he was in an angry frenzy. I quietly explained how we “had” to make it through. In a moment, he sent a man who got in the back of my truck and led us “through the back roads.” We went on roads we had never been on before with “one of the mobsters” in the back of my truck. We all arrived safely on the other side even while going through places we had never been before. We tipped the man, and thanked God for His peace. God bless you and have a great day! Sherry

Word from the Mission Field – 11-10-16
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