Jesus said, “If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.” John 14:14 — This is an emergency prayer request. This is Roberto. He was in our Mobile Medical Clinic in Sapaterre. He had gotten a piece of sugarcane in his eye a while back and he is nearly blind and in excruciating pain. We really need to get him out of Haiti and to an eye surgeon in the States. He may even have to have his eye removed. If anyone knows of an eye surgeon who would take care of this child at no cost, please let us know. We also need a hospital that will provide services at no cost too. It will be important when obtaining his Visa that the officials know everything associated with his care is at no cost. If you can help, please contact Rad in our Love A Child office at 239-210-6107. We will also need a host family near the eye surgeon and hospital. Let’s trust the Lord for this child, and ask, “In the name of Jesus” for Roberto to receive the necessary care. Thank you, Sherry

Word From the Mission Field: 12-12-16 6:00 AM
Posted in Latest News