“The Hem of His Garment…”
What a wonderful story of “just a little bit of faith.” Mark 5:25-34
We find a “widow woman,” who had an “issue of blood” for twelve years. She had gone to the physicians, but she grew worse. She had spent all her money, she was weak, sick, and dying, and in this condition, she felt “if she could just get to Jesus and touch the hem of His garment,” she would be healed. I have had to fight through crowds of Haitians before and believe me it is not easy. I cannot imagine this poor, sick, frail woman, forcing herself into the crowd and getting down to touch the “hem” of Jesus’ garment. She could have been trampled to death…but, as soon as she got her fingers on the hem of His garment, she instantly knew she was healed! It doesn’t take a “lot of faith” to get your prayer answered, but it just takes a few “mustard seeds” of solid, unmovable faith in our Lord, who loves us. Don’t give up! God has a miracle for you! Sherry

Word from the Mission Field – 12-15-17
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