“He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.” Proverbs 19:17 — Our friend Joel sent these latest pictures of the people living in a cave. We sent food, clothes, including two boxes of baby clothes and blankets to 180 families there. Because of Hurricane Matthew, they lost their homes and everything they had. The little baby in the picture was born in the cave. There is also another cave of people who need help. Just think if you and your children had to live in a cave today with hardly any food or medicine. We may be taking them more food and help this coming week. Sherry is also interested in having a Mobile Medical Clinic in January for the people in the area. Please pray for these families. Bobby

Word from the Mission Field: 12-17-16 6:30 AM
Posted in Latest News