“Through it All…”
This is one of the greatest songs ever written. I remember the first time I heard it… “Through it all, I have learned to trust in Jesus, learned to trust in God, and depend upon God’s word.” Have you ever been disappointed in someone, a close friend? Maybe they have hurt you or given you the wrong advice. That has happened to us here in Haiti, many times… It’s like standing on a chair, and someone kicks the legs out from underneath us. It especially hurts when it is someone you love and trust. That’s when we must remember to put our trust in God, alone. We must see the weakness in human beings as a time when the Lord wants us to completely depend on Him. Isaiah wrote, “We are all as an unclean thing…” Isaiah 64:6 – When we have disappointments in our friends, God uses that to bring us closer to Him. God wants us to depend on Him… “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee…” Hebrews 13:5 – Have a wonderful day! Sherry

Word from the Mission Field – 12-28-17
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