“By Their Fruit, Ye Shall Know Them…”
Have you ever been in a Church Service or watched someone on television who is preaching the Gospel, but yet, “something about them is not quite right.” They are quoting scriptures, and they seem to have everything down right, but yet, something is missing. They are a tree with branches but no fruit. Years ago, before we moved to Haiti, we knew an Evangelist who could “preach like a house on fire!” He was a great preacher, but something about him was “strange.” One night, his wife came on the platform to play the organ. She had a black eye and was crying. I remember he walked over to her before the service and thinking the microphone was off, he said, “And you can’t do a thing about it.” Later, they divorced, and his wife, a good friend of ours told us about his abuse of her. If you are around someone who claims to be a Christian, no matter how much they “talk,” they should be bearing fruit…love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. These fruits should be alive in our hearts and these are what we look for in others. Have a great day! Sherry

Word from the Mission Field: 2-25-18 6:10 AM
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