“Who touched me?” In Luke 8:45, a multitude surrounded Jesus. A woman who had been bleeding for twelve years had gone to all the doctors and grew worse, but when Jesus came through, she was determined that He wouldn’t even have to pray for her. “If” she could just “touch the hem of his garment,” she would be healed, so she did, and she was. But Jesus felt her “faith” as it touched the virtue in Him and He said, “Who touched me?” The disciples said, “Hundreds are touching you and you say, ‘Who touched me?'” Jesus meant, who touched me in FAITH? Today, there are so many prayers being prayed right now, but will your prayer “touch Jesus?” Yes, it will, if you reach out in faith!!! Have a great day! Sherry

Word from the Mission Field: 2-26-17 6:00 AM
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