“God Will Burn That Bridge.” In Exodus 14, we see the famous story of the Israelites and the miracle of the Red Sea. You know the story. There was only “one way out,” to get away from Pharaoh and his army. They were chasing the people of God, who ended up facing the Red Sea with Pharaoh’s chariots at their heels. Moses prayed and stretched forth his hands and the waters parted until all of God’s people made it across. Then, as soon as Pharaoh’s army got right in the middle of the “dry land,” God allowed the Red Sea to come back and swallow up Pharaoh and his army. Now, there was no way for the Israelites to go back from where they came. “God had burned their bridge behind them.” Sometimes, that’s what our loving God does to us. He “burns our bridges,” so we can’t turn back. But He has better things ahead! Have a great day!! Sherry

Word from the Mission Field: 3-5-17 6:20 AM
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