I love the books of 1st and 2nd Kings! So many stories…like the one in the 17th Chapter about the “widow woman and Elijah.” There was a great famine in the land and God told Elijah that a “widow woman” would take care of him. When he arrives, the widow has only a “handful of meal and a little oil.” She was going to bake her last cake for herself and her son so that they would eat it and die! But when she gave “that last cake” to the prophet (to the Lord), God filled her meal barrel and oil barrel with “meal and oil” unending and there would always be meal and oil until the rains came and the famine was over, and it was so. Never be afraid to give to the Lord, even when it is small, or even when it is your “last handful of meal.” God will never fail you!!! Blessings, Sherry

Word from the Mission Field: 4-22-17 6:15 AM
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