“When I see the Blood.”
When I was a little girl, growing up in a small church in Pennsylvania, our church would sing the song, “When I see the Blood, I will pass over thee.” I knew it had great meaning, but years later, it is so clear to me. In Exodus 12, we see the last of ten plagues that the Lord brought upon the Egyptians and Pharaoh, to “let God’s people go.” Each “first born child in Egypt would be killed.” When the Death Angel passed over the people of Israel, God commanded them to put the blood of the sacrificed lamb over the doorposts and on each side of the door. When the death angel went by, he would “pass over” those whose doorposts were stained with blood. Today, the blood of Jesus still covers us, protects us, and as the songwriter said, “It will never lose its power!” It has power over Voodoo, Satanism, and everything that Satan unleashes against us! Have a great day and remember that you are “covered by His blood!” Sherry