“The Decoy…”
Every one of us has had an experience in our lifetimes of serving the Lord… And then, the devil sends us a “decoy.” Maybe you were called of God to do something, and then you met that good-looking man or woman and they pulled you off the track or that job or that “something.” In Judges 16, the devil sent Sampson a beautiful woman named Delilah. She wanted to find out “where his strength was,” and after begging, pleading and only Heaven knows “what else,” Sampson told her his secret. The Bible says that Sampson said, “I will go out as at other times before, and shake myself. And he wist not that the Lord was departed from him.” Judges 16:20
This cost him his relationship with the Lord and his two eyes. In the end, he repented, the Lord forgave him, and he killed more Philistines in his death than in his lifetime. Beware of the “decoy” that the devil sends your way and stay “focused” on the Lord, and obey Him, at all cost. Have a great day! Sherry