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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Fields: 5-14-17 6:00 AM

Proverbs 31:10-31 describes the “virtuous woman…” While I don’t think I could ever “measure up” to this type of virtuous woman, my mother did. She lived with an alcoholic husband, my father, for over 50 years and she refused to give up on him. She had “nightly Bible devotions” with all five of us kids and made sure we went to church. When there was “no food on the table,” she knelt down and prayed, and a neighbor would bring us food. To me, my mother was the “virtuous woman,” and because of her, I am where I am today. None of us children turned out to be “alcoholics,” but rather, good parents, who serve the Lord. “Her children arise up, and call her blessed!” The last time I saw her on our return trip from Haiti, she stood in the doorway and watched us and waved until our car drove out of sight. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom, “I’ll see you in Heaven.” Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers! I Love you and God loves you! Sherry

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