We first saw Yonel during a Mobile Medical Clinic in the mountains. His grandma had brought him and his young sister to us. They both were dying, but we thought we might be able to save Yonel. He had severe malnutrition. That day we left the mountains, he ate “eight mangos,” like he was starving to death because he was! God brought him back to life.
Yonel was one of our “prodigal” children. After he graduated, he had turned from God. I almost felt like “giving up” on him, but “we left the gate open,” and he came back to the Lord and us! He got a job here at Love A Child as a painter, came back to God, joined a church, and got married!! He is such a sweet young man. I’m so glad we “leaned on the side of mercy.”
We all love Yonel!