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Yonel’s Wedding!

Yonel’s Wedding!

Last evening was a wonderful day for us! We took a busload of our kids from our “Children’s Home,” (all the ones that could fit into the bus) and we all went to Yonel’s wedding. It was held in a Haitian church not far from us. It was a very festive celebration, with some classical dances, a choir singing, and our Love A Child girls doing a praise dance!

Please notice the “wedding kiss!” I think this was the closest thing to a “kiss…” I couldn’t see from where we were, but we never heard the words, “You may kiss the bride.” (I think they do that as soon as it’s over!) The Pastor preached a sermon and then gave them some good “marital advice.” The wedding lasted about two and a half hours. It was exciting for all our children who had grown up with Yonel.

Oh, yes, remember that I told you that there was usually “one more young lady dressed like the bride?” You can see her in one of these pictures… actually, there were two that came in before the bride. In the states, no one is supped to “outdo the bride” but they do this in Haiti and no one is offended. In fact, it is usually part of the ceremony.

We wish to thank all of our partners who have sponsored children for some time. Yonel was once a malnourished child, skin and bones, and would have died, had it not been for your help.

Many of you have helped save children like Yonel. The Lord lets us see the fruit of our labor (please go back and see the post from yesterday and you will see how Yonel looked when we first took him in.)

The Bible tells us “Let us not weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9

We are so proud of Yonel and we pray God’s blessing upon him and his new bride!

Bobby and Sherry




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