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You’ll Never Believe What Caused This!

You’ll Never Believe What Caused This!

Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere… but sadly enough, the lack of jobs, the insecurity of the country, lack of food and hospital care, are problems the poor face every day. There are now fewer functioning hospitals than ever before. Many times, the doctors cannot even make it to their job at the hospital due to gangs. Many hospitals are now closed because there is no medicine or equipment to care for their patients. The gangs keep on threatening and this causes many facilities to close.

Every day is a fight for the poor to stay alive… Food is a major concern, but so is medical care.

Madamn Cathelle Silmene lives in the remote region of the village of Thormond. Her son, Lordens is 8 months old. She had brought him to our Jesus Healing Center due to a serious head infection, with bleeding crusted lesions on his head. The “smell” was horrible.

But what caused this infection?

The baby’s mother said that “since he was born,” she had always used “breast milk” to clean Lorden’s head so that he could have curly hair! (This is a superstition used by some mountain women to make their baby’s hair turn curly, but “not washing it and leaving breast milk on his dirty head” causes infection!) This infection became so bad that baby Lordens could not sleep. He was constantly crying!

Our nurses had to cut all his hair and then remove it with a razor blade! The smell was horrible! Then, they began to treat him. We had been running low on medicines because many times, our driver could not even go downtown to the medical supply places due to the gangs. But, the Lord provided!!

We are so thankful that just a few days before this incident, we had received medicines and medical supplies from MAP International! This took care of baby Lordens’ needs! Our nurses at our Jesus Healing Center explained to his mother what had caused the infection and how to care for him once he got home. She will bring him back for a check-up.

Our Pastor prayed with his mother, and she thanked everyone as she left. We give the Lord all the praise, and we would like everyone to know what a wonderful organization MAP is! This medical container came “just in time,” and we were able to share it with other facilities! God bless you to our friends at MAP!!!

On behalf of Haiti’s poor,

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