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“Your Face is Your Passport…”

That’s what the Haitians say. And isn’t that true?!

This is little Zachary, who is now over a year old. He has finally stopped crying and fussing, and now he is getting “cute!” We took Zachary in under some strange circumstances…

Many of you remember that his mother came to our clinic because she was sick. Zachary was ill, also. Our doctor came and examined the mother, who was acting “very strangely.” After the exam, we offered to take the mother home, because our doctor was concerned about her “mental health.” Two of our nurses went with us… they began to tell us that they knew this lady, who had raised five little children, “and they all died!” And the mother had a little girl who “disappeared!” As we drove up with Zachary’s mother, the neighbor came out to tell us, “Get the baby and leave with it, as she has told me she is going to kill that baby with a butchers knife!” We called the Department of Social Services, and they told us, “Take the baby, leave, and keep it at your orphanage. We will take care of the paperwork later.” So, we did…

Zachary’s mother never came to get him… He was a fussy baby, crying and screaming all the time. Nothing made him happy, but then he began to outgrow the “fussy baby” stuff! He actually smiled for his picture today! That gives me hope!!

So, “if your face is your passport,” little Zachary can go anywhere with this smile!!!! Ha! “Gotta love em!” Sherry

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