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Zachary, with the Cutest Smile!

This is four-year-old Zachary. He loves to help pack up food for our feeding outreaches! He was in our Food Distribution Center (with the big kids), packing food items into plastic bags, to give to the poor in our area who have been run out of their homes by the gangs! He worked all day in the heat, without complaining.

Zachary was born to a woman deep in Voodoo. The neighbors said that she killed some of her children, but all we knew at that time was that several of her children had died, and some were missing! Her neighbors told us that if we did not take “baby Zachary,” from her, that she would kill him. The baby’s doctor said the same thing! We called the health department and another doctor agreed. We have had him since he was a baby!! Zachary is a very unusual little boy… so sweet! He is our sweetheart!


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