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Zoey! A Little Doll!

Zoey is now 3, going to kindergarten “two.” She is a doll! She always hangs out with the “big sisters,” so she is more like a young girl than a 3-year-old. She is very polite and extremely intelligent!

She is very close to her “poppy Bobby!” She loves to sit on his lap and hug his neck. Zoey is “all girl,” and I don’t think there is any “tomboy” in her! She is getting to be part of our “dance team!”

This beautiful little girl was found as an abandoned “new baby,” on a dirt road leading into New Letant. She could have been placed there by someone in that area, probably a mother who had too many children to raise. We took the baby to Social Services, but they asked us to keep her because they had so many children they could not place. We all love Zoey! She is not only a “little doll,” but a “gift from God!”


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