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Zoey… “Abandoned on a Dirt Road.”

Zoey is three now and happier than ever! She had been abandoned on a dirt road but, was found by one of our missionaries. We took her to “Social Services,” but they asked if we could keep her. At first, she screamed and cried for a year, but when she turned “two,” her personality changed. Zoey is now three, cute as a bunny, smiles all the time, is “inquisitive” and acts like she is much older than she is!

She loves “older men,” Ha! She hangs out with the older girls, so they call her, “Matilda.” She knows all the Christian songs and now, is starting to dance with the girls in their Praise Dances! She may have been abandoned on a dirt road, but she ended up right where God wanted her to be! We all love Zoey!


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