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Zoey… She’s a Mess!!

Zoey… She’s a Mess!!

Little Zoey was found abandoned on the dirt road entrance to the village of “New Letant.” Apparently, the mother had too many children and she didn’t want another one. We took her to the Department of Social Services, and they sent her back to us… it was like, “You found her. You keep her!”

At first, Zoey screamed and cried all of the time!! I could hear her crying and throwing a fit all the way to my room, which is at the end of the hall. But she finally “converted,” and became a sweet little girl!! Ha!

She “hangs out” with all the older girls. Even at three years old, she tries to be in the “dance team!” There’s nothing she won’t try. She will be going to the first “Kindergarten grade” in the fall! (Lord, help the teachers!) But just look at this little “pistol” playing soccer, and then she pops up looking all “prissy!” She is “all girl!”

She loves her Poppie and she loves, Bryon, who is here working with us. She always wants to crawl up on their lap and be held or rocked! In church, she is always looking for “Poppie” (Bobby). She loves men, and she loves the older girls!!! She is “very intelligent,” and she will really be “something” when she grows up!!! What a joy that God has brought into our lives on “rainy days” when we feel down… we just look at Zoey and her smile, and she “makes it all better!” We love this little thing!!! Sherry

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