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Zoey’s First Day of School!

Zoey’s First Day of School!

Little Zoey was found abandoned on the road to New Letant. After taking her to the Social Services Department, they asked if we could keep her… and so, she became a “Love A Child” child! Zoey is three now, and in Haiti, “off to school she goes!” She will be in Pre-School I!

Zoey was supposed to start school a couple of weeks ago, but we did not have “black school shoes” for her. Except for mountain schools, all schools in Haiti will demand “black shoes” for school… and of course, uniforms! This is always a problem because schools in the states do not require this, (because all kids wear tennis shoes), and in Haiti, “black school shoes” are very, very difficult to find! So, we have been waiting for Pastor Mark to find these shoes… not only for Zoey but for all our kids!

Zoey, who is always smiling and happy, is not too happy today… She met up with “Poppie Bobby” en route to school and he tried so hard to cheer her up, but she was scared! I feel sorry for all the Pre-School teachers because they have lots of babies to handle… they are all afraid, crying, wetting their pants, and wanting to go home! But, after a couple of days, they settle into singing, dancing, learning, and doing really well in school. All Haitians LOVE school! It is a chance to get out and meet new friends, and learn!

Zoey will be fine! She is sweet, smart, intelligent, and very disciplined… well, most of the time! Ha! We all love Zoey!!! Sherry

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