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A Fashion Show in Haiti…

A Fashion Show in Haiti…

January 17-23, 2015

“I was naked and ye clothed me…”  Matthew 25:36



Many of the youngest children in Haiti never get new clothes like tee shirts or pretty dresses. We often visit poor villages throughout the country and many of the children are completely naked. So when several of our wonderful friends and partners made clothing, blankets and other items and then sent these for the children, we were so thankful.

We want to share these blessings with you, and with our partners who read my journal. In the eyes of Jesus, this is a great deed…

These dresses came from Phyllis Grove. The little ones were so excited to try them on, as were their mothers. Thank you so much, Phyllis!



These adorable pillowcase dresses came from our friend Edythe Voorhis. The whole neighborhood was trying to come in or peek though the windows to see what was going on. God bless you, Edythe!

Edith-Voorhis-dressesWe also want to thank our friends at International Aid for the blankets!  Everyone loved all the blankets! When children don’t have a blanket, bugs come up through the straw mats. Imagine, where would you lay a new baby?  Thank you, International Aid workers.



One father came with his little boy and he received a brand new quilt, and others also received blankets from the Lutheran Missions Attic Workshop!




This is such a blessing for the poor Haitians because no one has blankets. They live in mud huts and only have straw mats to lie on the ground where they sleep. God bless all our friends at Lutheran Missions Attic Workshop.



The fashion show continues…

These precious dresses came from Charlotte Hanson. Look at the adorable little girl in the green dress! For these little girls, this is the highlight of their young lives, brand new dresses!




More mothers and fathers are coming with their children…

These adorable dresses came from our friend Jim Brooks. These young girls were so excited to have new, clean dresses as they showed their mothers who were also thrilled! We appreciate your hard work Jim!Jim-Brooks-dresses

These little cuties are modeling dresses donated by Tender Loving Care, what a great name! New dresses always bring big smiles to the faces of little girls. Girls of every age in Haiti love receiving a new dress! God bless all of our friends at Tender Loving Care!


These dresses are also from Tender Loving Care, and from June Runyon and Ashley Aitkin. You cannot imagine what this means to these precious little girls. I have seen little girls wearing a flour sack for a skirt or dress while others wear their brother’s clothes or nothing at all. This is a very big deal for all these little girls in this poor village! Thank you so much, June and Ashley!


As you can see many of the children aren’t smiling, and they look a bit overwhelmed. Many Haitian children are afraid to have their picture taken, so don’t worry if they don’t smile. It is hard to get a Haitian child to smile for a photograph.



These dresses came from Pam Strohmer for some of our smallest Haitian girls. Well, I think lots of these little girls will be wearing their new dresses to church on Sunday.



All these children are located in the old village of Le Tant, where we just built a new church and school. This is the only block building in the entire area, and this is one of the poorest areas in Haiti. We want to thank our friend David George and his partners for sponsoring the new church and school.



There are some very happy mothers who were able to get new clothing for the littlest ones. God bless you Pam for the beautiful dresses!


These dresses are from Mark and Sharron Pettway. We finally got some of the little girls to smile! Thank you so much Mark and Sharron!


And to all of you, as the Creole proverb says, “It takes a lot of sweet potatoes to make up the pile.” In other words, it takes all of us working together, giving, hand making dresses, feeding the hungry, sharing the Gospel, and doing whatever we can to show the love of God.

God bless you all!


Posted in Sherry's Journal