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Teaching Sustainability at the Agricultural Training Center

Teaching Sustainability at the Agricultural Training Center

September 8, 2016


“And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.”

— Genesis 1:11

Here is a message from Rad, our Assistant Executive Director, who is in Haiti for a week. He was able to check in on the Agricultural Training Center and find out how things are going there. Here is a wonderful summary of his first day.


Today I was invited to sit in on the classroom part of the current session of the Agricultural Training Center’s (ATC) Sustainable Agriculture School. There are 23 students learning about the importance of caring for their environment, replanting trees and having productive seasonal gardens.



When I arrived the students were giving answers from their homework assignments. They interrupted their class and asked to address me. Students stood in turn to say how much they appreciate Bobby and Sherry and the partners of Love A Child for giving them this school and their opportunity to learn ways they can provide a better life for themselves, their families and their country. Each student spoke from his or her heart. It was so nice and touching to see their appreciation for what Love A Child is providing for them.



Their teacher, Agronome Wilner Exil, Director of the ATC,  teaches them with such passion they can’t help but be involved and enjoy learning.



Almost every week we get contacted by other people and groups wanting to see how they can get involved with our ATC programs.



Recently, the Rotary Club of Walhalla, South Carolina funded an extension project to take the ATC program to the village of Le Tant. Wilner showed me what is already happening in Le Tant and it is great!



The village is focused on making the project a success and many people there are signing up to participate. Soon they will be harvesting their own food, which they have never been able to do before. They are happy, hopeful and have pride in their project.



Thank you to all the donors who make these projects accessible to the poor Haitians that struggle each day to survive. Teaching sustainability farming will not only give these families food to eat and sell, but it is a big step forward on creating a more hopeful future for this village.


Please consider donating a gift of any amount to help other students attend this program.


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Rad Hazelip
Assistant Executive Director
Love A Child


Posted in Sherry's Journal