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Slowly but Surely!

Work continues on our new Jesus Healing Center. We had 15 more workers come in today to begin to lay the tile. They are “tile experts!” The picture of the big posts and men working is where the ambulance will drive up for emergencies. (We have LOTS of emergencies here in this area of Fond Parisien.) The large room you see inside is the ER. Another group is laying the tile in the main seating room, where the patients first come.

Today, we had a sad case of a young baby with two huge tumors on his nose. It is so bad that he cannot open his eyes very well. The problem requires fragile surgery that may not be available in Haiti unless a team of specialists comes in. The mom had already taken the baby to Bernard Mevs, a good hospital, but she was told to “wait until they contacted her.” With travel to Haiti now being a Level 4, most surgeons cannot or do not want to come. The baby’s mother is nervous and just decided to see us in case there was anything that could be done. Our doctor is sending her to one more hospital for a second opinion. Our driver will take her on Wednesday.

We see so many sad cases in Haiti every day, so we are thankful for any help God sends us!

Thank you to our partners who have been sponsoring this wonderful, new, and much larger Jesus Healing Center clinic! We are praying that we can “open by faith” at the end of October!


God bless you all!

Bobby and Sherry


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