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A Blessed Baby!! 

Just look at this beautiful baby! Her mother made the choice of coming to our Birthing Center! Half of the children in our orphanage came to us because their mother died during or right after childbirth. The Haitians call this “childbirth fever.”

Due to the unsanitary conditions of living in a mud hut, a tent, or a crowded area like the garbage dump, many mothers are at the mercy of fighting the elements in horrible filthy conditions. Instead of a beautiful clean bed, mothers are on a dirt floor. Instead of cutting the cord with something sterilized, the cord is often cut with a rusty razor, a tin can lid, a piece of sharp glass, or other filthy items. And if she begins to bleed or have other problems, there will be no ambulance to take her to a hospital. Many times, both mother and baby die.

We want to thank our friends who make “Birthing Kits.” These came from Lutheran Mission Attic Workshop. We love our doctors, nurses, midwives, cooks, security guards, and everyone who works at our Birthing Center!! Mother and baby will be going home happy and healthy! We love you, Partners!! Sherry

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