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Our Jesus Healing Center Saves Lives!

Many children in Haiti suffer severe burns, either from charcoal fires or boiling water. The burns from boiling water are the worse, but the burns from charcoal fires involve removing the debris from the skin. Unfortunately, many Haitian mothers take for granted that their child will not reach up to grab a hot bucket of boiling water or that the child may accidentally fall into a charcoal fire.

16-month-old Fritzner Jean Baptist pulled over a pot of boiling water while playing, which burned his arm from his elbow down. All his mother had was coconut oil and olive oil to put on him. He was in horrible pain, and the doctor had to remove the burned skin. Our doctor applied the burn medication, bandaged him, and sent him home with painkillers and antibiotics.

When left untreated, a child can get a horrible infection. We are so thankful to have our “Jesus Healing Center Clinic” always ready for emergencies!

We are thankful for the monthly support of Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope so that we can continue to provide the best in medical care, doctor visits, medicine, and lab work at no charge!

Most of all, we are thankful to our “Great Physician,” who is always here!

God bless you!


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