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Word from the Mission Field

David said, in Psalms 144:15, “Happy is that people whose God is the Lord.”

Yes! If you look around at the people every day, you can tell who are Christians… they have a smile on their face, a kind spirit, and that “something,” that tells you, this is some of your family, the family of Christ! They are not complainers. They will greet you with a warm smile. You don’t have to ask if they are a Christian… you can know in your heart! We are a “happy people!” We gladly serve the Lord! We don’t complain in public, because the plane is late. He has everything under control. If we don’t get what we are asking for from the Lord, we just “wait on the Lord,” because His time is not our time! We are a “happy people,” because we are God’s children and we want to welcome others into our big family! “Happy is that people, whose God is the Lord!” Have a “happy day!”


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