Crisis in Haiti is not limited to just one incident burdening its citizens at a time. Today, the already poverty-ridden country is struggling to rebuild from the latest natural disaster, while also experiencing some of its worst food and fuel shortages. Gangs are responsible for recent political upheaval and a rise in kidnapping incidents — unfortunately, they now control most of Haiti.
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Haiti Latest News:
We are praying that the Fond Parisien people will open the road today. Many want it open, and others are against it, all due to the gangs. The gangs took over the community of Ganthier,
“Tears in a Bottle…”
I am a hardened missionary, I believe. Bobby and I have been working in Haiti for many years. We have been through floods, storms, hurricanes, roadblocks, and much more… Two days ago, we had to
I had a meeting yesterday with the community business people… almost a three-hour meeting. I can see the side where they are coming from, but their plan is not working. Time for plan “B” or