The Malnutrition Center
“For I was hungry and you gave me food.” – Matthew 25:35
While families struggle to survive on less than $2 (US) per day, an overwhelming number of children in Haiti suffer from malnutrition, chronic and acute. Nearly one-third of all children under the age of five suffer from stunted growth. More than 100,000 children in Haiti suffer from acute malnutrition. They are dying of hunger.
Visible symptoms of children suffering from malnutrition include bloated or emaciated little bodies and hair that’s turned red and brittle.
At the Malnutrition Center, each parent receives education, great medical care and lots of nourishing food for their babies and toddlers.
With Haiti’s food crisis growing our Malnutrition Center was serving more malnourished babies and toddlers than ever before. So, we began to “have a dream” of a new Malnutrition Clinic, with the best of doctors and everything we would need to save little lives.
What a miracle when Joyce Meyer Ministries — Hand of Hope offered to sponsor the new building, and also gave funds for the furnishings, the beds, tables, play area, chairs, dining room, etc.!
This was, indeed a miracle! We hosted the dedication of the Malnutrition Center on Friday, January 29, 2021.
The regional Malnutrition Center offers early childhood vaccinations and monitors the height and weight of each child. Additionally, we provide temporary housing for the mother and child to support the child’s healing, as well as specialized food and care to save their lives.
Each family receives food to take home to ensure proper growth and development in between appointments at our clinic.
Witnessing the healing power of Jesus restore health to the children we serve is both a joy and a blessing.

Please, help us meet the nutritional needs for the least of these.
Political instability and crippling environmental conditions make growing and buying food extremely difficult for Haitian families, as evidenced by growing malnutrition rates in children. As we focus on long-term prevention of malnutrition, we invite you to stand with us to advocate for and promote nutritious diets through our malnutrition center program.
How You Can Help
$16 sponsors 432 meals
$48 sponsors 1,296 meals
$120 sponsors 3,240 meals

Malnutrition Center View more news

Kwashiorkor Malnutrition…
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