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The Miracle of the Moringa Tree

The Miracle of the Moringa Tree

Just in! Read the newest Sherry’s Journal entries to learn more about how we are fighting hunger in Haiti through our work today!

So Moses brought Israel from the Red sea, and they went out into the wilderness of Shur; and they went three days in the wilderness, and found no water… And the people murmured against Moses, saying, What shall we drink? And he cried unto the Lord; and the Lord shewed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet: there he made for them a statute and an ordinance, and there he proved them…

Exodus 15:22,24-25


“Moringa oleifera is a tree brought from the mind of God to the hands of man.”

Moringa powder for young girl with diabetes.


It is called the “Miracle Tree” because it has saved more lives in third world countries than any other plant. It is being studied by numerous institutions worldwide for its ability to treat over 300 diseases.

Moringa Trees-nature’s pharmacy, has healing and nourishing properties.


The Moringa Tree has been given many names over the thousands of years that it has been used for both medicinal and food properties in many cultures: Tree of Life, Miracle Tree, Never Die Tree, Drumstick Tree or by its Latin name Moringa Oleifera. Whatever you call it, the Moringa Tree is especially prized because not only is it incredibly nutritious, and highly valued for its medicinal properties, but every part of the tree is edible!

Rows of Moringa Trees in Haiti


Love A Child’s aggressive approach to helping Haitians improve their environment includes the planting of at least 25,000 Moringa Trees each year. Moringa Oleifera is a very important plant. Though the species is native to the southern foothills of the Himalayas where it has been cherished for thousands of years as a source of nutrition, and for its healing capabilities, it also flourishes in many places around the world from Africa to Haiti.

Moringa Oleifera is a very important plant that grows in many places around the world.


The Moringa is such a hardy variety of tree, it will grow well no matter how tough the environment or how depleted the soil. So it is a perfect tree for Haiti’s environmentally devastated terrain. They also grow very quickly, gaining as much as 10 feet each year, and they are naturally resistant to many types of insects. Some cultures refer to it as “The Miracle Tree,” as it is said to be highly successful in treating over 300 conditions and illnesses.

The Moringa trees are being planted by Haitians.


The Moringa Tree does extremely well in developing third world countries that have little access to modern irrigation methods, or a consistent water source. Because of these characteristics, the Moringa Tree is a wonderful, highly economical, low maintenance crop, helping to fight disease, starvation and malnutrition here in Haiti. The leaves can actually be harvested quite frequently, as often as every few months.

The Moringa leaves can actually be harvested quite frequently, as often as every few months.


This is Madamn Sonia from Miracle Village, Haiti, and our missionary David Balsbaugh, who is managing several of our sustainability projects. We have planted thousands of these wonderful Moringa Trees in Miracle Village, our Love A Child Compound, and at the Agricultural Training Center as well. Once the leaves are picked and dried, Madamn Sonia uses a pestle (manch pilon), and hollowed out log, to grind the Moringa leaves into a fine green powder. This is one of the highest sources of vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional values in the world! We use it in our Jesus Healing Center and our Malnutrition Center to treat a variety of conditions. It is an “entirely natural healing pharmacy!”

Moringa leaves are picked and dried, Madamn Sonia uses a pestle (manch pilon), and hollowed out log, to grind the Moringa leaves into a fine green powder.


At the Jesus Healing Center, Moringa powder is used extensively for many ailments from malnutrition to Diabetes. Here, Maxine is giving this powder to a 14-year-old girl who is afflicted with Juvenile Diabetes. We have also given it to Solomon, who has AIDS. We are so excited about the use of this wonderful plant, created by the Lord, to help us heal the poor.

Moringa powder is used extensively for many ailments from malnutrition to Diabetes.


You may remember Shalken, the delightful young Haitian boy who suffers from horrible and painful open skin tumors. At first, we thought he had Calcinosis, but since his trip to the States to see the dermatologist, Dr. Cairns, they discovered it is Juvenile Dermatomyositis (JDM). While here in Haiti, we started him on Moringa powder to help boost his immune system.

Moringa powder to help boost an immune system.


Our wonderful friend, Pastor Claude Mondesir has some health problems, especially with sugar. When he heard we were growing Moringa Trees, he got some and planted them around his orphanage and school. He makes a Moringa Soup that is loaded with vitamins, antioxidants, and protein by using lots of Moringa leaves. Pastor Claude says he eats it “all day long and feels great!” He may be the next “Moringa Poster Child!” Go online and read about this wonderful medicinal plant that God created for our health!


Pastor Claude says he eats Moringa all day long and feels great.


Moringa is considered a superfood that will improve your overall health. The leaves of this extraordinary tree contain seven times the vitamin C found in oranges, four times the calcium in milk, four times the vitamin A in carrots, two times the protein of yogurt, 25 times the iron in spinach, and three times the potassium in bananas. Some of the benefits include: boosting energy levels, lowers blood pressure, protects the stomach lining and treats ulcers while improving digestion.

Moringa Tree is especially prized because it is incredibly nutritious, and highly valued for its medicinal properties, but every part of the tree is edible.


The Jesus Healing Center’s Medical Administrator, Barbara MacMannis recently hosted a special seminar for the women in our Malnutrition Program. The seminar was all about the benefits of Moringa and how it can help with nutrition. Wilner, the leader of the Agricultural Training Center and one of his students, spoke to the group about this “miracle tree.” The women were engaged throughout the seminar and they each left with Moringa and a little leaflet that gave them important information. We want to thank both Dave Balsbaugh and Wilner for helping to educate the Haitians about Moringa! We also thank Rad for all he has done to help with our sustainability projects that allow Haitians to help themselves!

The benefits of Moringa and how it can help with nutrition and malnutrition.


You can also help us expand our efforts to improve lives here in Haiti by supporting our sustainability initiative as we educate Haitians on the benefits of the Moringa Tree. You can sponsor this nutritional Moringa Powder and create jobs at the same time with a gift of $24 for a one-month supply. Please contact us at 239-210-6107, if you are interested in saving lives.

God bless you.



Posted in Sherry's Journal