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13 Years of Hard Work!

“Hair” We Go Again!

Our older Love A Child kids are “growing up!” They have actually been in school for 13 years because they start “earlier” than we do in the states. Their last grade is Philo! It is very hard to pass, but our kids have done well… James, Jean Richard, and Sarah (not pictured here).

In order to enter college, they must pass a difficult test. So, Widlene (middle) took her test and waited for the results! She has been so worried that she did not do well in math. Yesterday, they called her to come in and “get her test results.” She was “so worried” that she took two of her “sisters” with her. They got all dressed up, put on their new “hair-dos,” and headed out to get the results (Fabienne on the left and Dimelia on the right).

Widlene was so nervous, that she could not go inside to get the envelope with the test results, so she sent Fabienne. Fabienne got the envelope and opened it and told her sister, “You did not pass.” Then she said, “Just joking!!” They came back, pounding on our door, to give us the good news! We are so proud of our children. They are “teaching to education” and putting the Lord first! We are proud of Widlene and the children that are in college, and those who are now entering college!! We praise the Lord and thank all our partners!

Bobby and Sherry

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