All of us who have gardened in any fashion know the pleasure of finally seeing your flowers one day erupt into bright, colorful blooms, or your vegetables finally get to the point of being able to harvest them and enjoy a meal of fresh, nutritious food from your own efforts. Can’t you see that joy...
“Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? […] Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:37-40 These are powerful words from our Lord. When we feed the hungry or...
He acts a lot older than his age, 8. It is hard to believe that a mother would abandon her baby and leave it near our Front Gate at Love A Child! It was a miracle that the baby lived through the night... Joshua was sick for a long time, but when he got well,...
Sherry and I will attend the Feed My Starving Children Conference next week in Fort Lauderdale for three days. Afterward, we will be traveling to Haiti. Can't wait to see all the orphan children and all the workers at Love A Child. We have 498 employees, and all do a great job. Pray for Jackson;...
Love A Child travels to the remote village of Toma, where families displaced by gang violence struggle to survive in some of Haiti’s harshest conditions. Forced from their homes by the terror of gangs, these families live with little more than hope. Thanks to the partnership with Farmer John and the generosity of friends and...
“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7) I know that most people have heard that four of our older kids were kidnapped by the gangs several years ago, along with one of our Love A Child nurses. Our three...
When you look at Kenzy, you see “sweetness and kindness.” Kenzy has been such an easy child to raise. We met Kenzy when his mother would bring him to our clinic. She had to take a Haitian boat from where she lived to the village of “Old Letant.” Then she would pay for a boat...
Jackson is comfortable on the sofa here in Santo Domingo. He just came off his daily 12-hour dialysis cycle. Can you imagine being on a machine for 12 hours a day? In a few minutes, he will be reconnected so that another bag of dialysis solution can be put into his abdomen. This one will...
“Skating on Thin Ice” I grew up in Pennsylvania… Bobby always says that “if his father ever knew he married a ‘Yankee,’ he would turn over in his grave!” We were a poor family of five children. We lived “in the woods.” It was a small town but in the woods! When it snowed, it snowed hard! I can...
Our sweet Dumolia is doing well in college in Jamaica. It was quite a cultural shock for her, but after about a year she seems to have fit in! She told us that it was hard for her to get used to the Jamaican accent, but she is learning! She has a full schedule at...