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A Big Step of Faith: Houses for Earthquake Victims

Thank you…

After the earthquake, we’ve passed out tons of food in southern Haiti.

Up until today, we have given out 1,700 family tents! In the pictures, you will see a blind lady by the name of Madam Merselia. Her granddaughter saved her life when her house fell on top of her. Sherry and I will never forget the day when we gave Madam Merselia her tent to live in! She was so happy!

We have 500 more tents still for Jeremie when it is safe to travel there.

After this, I thought we would be done helping the earthquake victims in southern Haiti.

I could not sleep at night thinking and worrying about the people in the tents.

A big step of faith! The Lord has told me to start building the people whom we gave the tents to a “new house.”

“Don’t know how many, but as many the Lord supplies the money for.” We started yesterday. These are the first pictures of the work.

We are going to build a three-bedroom, living room, kitchen, and front porch, with what is called the Gabion house. There are some in Haiti now and not one fell during the earthquake! It’s a very strong house.

Without you and our friends, we can’t do this alone. We are doing this together for the poor families.

What I really love is that the house will be built with local materials, local labor (many jobs) … and shipping nothing in from America.

The cost of each home is $9,000. Please pray what the Lord would have you do.

Supply the money for one house or several houses.

Give the widow’s mite, $25, 50, $100, or what the Lord lays upon your heart.

Go to our website and find our phone number, address, etc.

Office Phone for Donations: 239-210-6107

Please mail letters and contributions to:

Love A Child, Inc.
PO Box 60063
Fort Myers, Florida 33906-6063

Praise the Lord! Pastor Gregory Dickow’s Church “Life Changers International” has given money for the first five houses to be built. Thank you, Pastor Gregory, and all our friends who will help on this project of faith. We are so excited!!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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