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A Bird Called “Madansara”

A Bird Called “Madansara”

Madamn Chrislene Derameau is a lady from a village called “Boulay.” She has a profession that the Haitians call “Madansara.” (Madansara is actually a bird in Haiti that goes all over the place, finding food where it can and sleeping where it can, and just existing where it can!)

This is a woman who gets up at 1:00 am, and gets on top of a truck, and goes far away into the province to get things to sell; she then re-sells them to people in the public market.

These are “hard-working women.” Even if you see them at 1:00 am getting ready to work, they won’t come home till about 10:00 PM!

Madamn Chrislene is one of these women. Every day, her husband goes to work in the fields, under the hot sun, and hopes for a harvest one day. But, despite all their sacrifices, they never have enough to feed everyone in the house. Madamn Chrislene says that life has been much more difficult for her since she learned that she was pregnant. She said that life got even worse, and she felt like “someone had stabbed her in the heart.” She had no money to go to the hospital during her pregnancy.

Fortunately for her, the solution was not far away. God had already provided a beautiful Birthing Center, with wonderful doctors and mid-wives and a clean, Christian environment… with hot food and a nice, clean bed!

She came to our Birthing Center and to all her appointments. The doctors and midwives took good care of her, and she got all her medicines, including prenatal vitamins, antibiotics, and much more.

She got all the care she was supposed to receive at the Birthing Center, which left her feeling better because… all the care she got didn’t cost her a penny! So today, she gave birth to a daughter at 7:00 am, who weighed 2.8 kilos (about 6.2 pounds), a healthy baby!

These miracles are possible thanks to the Lord, who puts love in the hearts of our supporters to sponsor the Birthing Center so that it can stay open 24/7. It never closes!!

Special thanks to our partners, who help sponsor the Birthing Center monthly operations, and to those who send in infant and toddler clothes, and blankets, etc. You make miracles happen for the poor!!!

God bless you,
Bobby and Sherry

Posted in Latest News