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A Call for Peace and Hope

“It’s Time for the Families of Ganthier to Return Home”

On July 21st the “400 Mawozo gang” invaded and took control of Ganthier.

The time has come to end the suffering and restore hope to the families of Ganthier. After months of displacement and hardship, we are committed to helping feed 500 more families this week. 2,000 families were forced to leave their homes and belongings behind when the notorious “400 Mawozo gang” seized control of Ganthier. Fond Parisien has been overwhelmed, and many people have fled to the mountains and slept under the trees hungry.

We are deeply grateful to our partners for their swift and compassionate response, helping us provide food and essential aid to these families. But more than aid, what these families need is their homes back. Enough is enough. The time for healing and rebuilding has arrived.

The leader of the notorious “400 Mawozo gang” is “Lanmò San Jou”. He promised that on August 15th the bridge just outside of Ganthier would be unblocked and allow traffic to flow through Ganthier into Fond Parisien and the border. In a gesture that gave much hope, the gang leader “Lanmò San Jou” took to social media and declared that he would reopen the roads to allow the mountain people to bring their produce to town.

True to his word, on August 15th, the exact date he promised, the roads were reopened. Now, the displaced families of Ganthier are asking him for another act of good faith: to leave town and let people reclaim their homes. The people know that if he promises this, it will happen.

The people of Fond Parisien are standing in solidarity with their neighbors and are calling for peace. They have vowed that traffic will only be allowed to flow once the poor grandmothers, mothers, and children of Ganthier have returned to their homes. Together, they are united in their demand for justice and peace. Our thoughts are to open the road in Fond Parisien and to let the farmers bring down their produce from the mountain, since the “400 Mawozo gang” opened the bridge road.

While other areas remain under the control of the gang, we continue to pray for peace. We are hopeful that “Lanmò San Jou” will extend the same goodwill he showed by reopening the roads and allowing our neighbors from Ganthier to return home and rebuild their lives.

Love A Child remains vigilant in these uncertain times, taking all necessary measures to protect ourselves, our children, and the gifts entrusted to us by our hardworking donors. We are committed to safeguarding the resources that make this mission possible.

Together, we believe in the power of change, and we stand strong in the hope that peace will prevail.

As we look to the future, we are encouraged by the words of Romans 15:13 – “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” With faith, we trust that peace will return to Ganthier, and its people will be filled with hope once again.

Bobby Burnette (and thoughts from our friend, Oriol)

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