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A Compassionate Heart…

Dear Friends and Partners,

We have worked hard to teach our Haitian children all about “God’s compassion!” It is so important to always keep our hearts open to a “special need.” Dieuferly, who had major health problems as a child, now is a grown young man. We have always taught our two children in the States, and also our Haitian children to have “a heart of compassion.”

We were really touched by the story of a poor, crippled woman with 7 children and a “broken down wheelchair.” Dieuferly, who operates our drone and does camera and TV work, saw this widow with a broken down wheelchair and no place to go, and took care of her with love and compassion… read below his “thank note” to Bobby and me. We are so proud of him, and our orphanage children, and our two grown children in the States. We all must have a “compassionate heart.”



Thank you so much, Mom and Dad, for making it possible today, the lady was so grateful. Amanthe Dorcly Is 41 years old, and she has 7 children. In 2004, she was living in Gonaïve, during the troubles when Aristide had left power, and she was shot in the shoulder, and the bullet hit her spine. She had to enter the Dominican Republic for surgery, and since then she couldn’t walk she stayed in the DR for all this time for medical attention. She was living with her husband Woodbert, who kicked her out with their two babies. When she couldn’t run, the immigration deported her back to Haiti on the Malpasse side, and she found herself homeless, sleeping in a little park at Lasous among the market sellers.

Thank God today we found a lady inside Miracle Village who is willing to receive her in her house and help her. Her wheelchair was not good, Amanthe but now she has a new wheelchair, mattress, and pillows — giving her hope and comfort once again. God is good!

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