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A Long Road to Recovery for Jackson

A Long Road to Recovery for Jackson

It’s hard to believe that Jackson, (Jasson), is now 13. It was just like yesterday, that we were conducting a Mobile Clinic in Savaan Pit, Haiti. Before we could actually get started, a young man brought his small nephew, Jackson, to us. He was suffering from malnutrition. He had a “moon-shaped” face, small, skinny arms, swollen feet, and a huge belly, full of fluids. I told his uncle that we would take Jackson home with us, to get him to a specialist and that he would be treated for malnutrition. I also told Jackson that as soon as the clinic was finished, he would go home with us.

We wanted him to go back with his uncle, but Jackson was thinking, “Nothing Doing!” I’m staying with you, Madamn Sherry! In other words, he was refusing to go home! Jackson was not going to let me out of his sight! I tried and tried to tell him that his uncle would bring him back in a few days, but, he was like “Elisha” in the Bible… keeping his eyes on “Elijah,” and would not let him out of his sight!

We brought Jackson home with us. It was a long process of getting him “back to health” with his swollen stomach, and severe malnutrition… but what we didn’t know was that he had already begun to have serious kidney problems. We were told that he would need to go to the states for help but at least, our good friend, Dr. Debbie, was able to help us with his medicine. When we ran out, MAP International came through for us.

There are several of our children here who have some major health issues. We pray that the Lord will heal them or send them to the right doctor who can help them.

Jackson makes good grades in school. He is sweet and quiet, very respectful, and helpful. He is always, “looking for work!” He is the one who finds our dirty tennis shoes, other shoes, and has them cleaned up before we know what happened! And yes, he loves the Lord! We pray that Jackson will be touched by the Lord and that God will open great doors for him! We all love Jackson!!


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